lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Stolen lung from Human bodies exhibition, is it fake?

Some time ago here in Lima, Peru a very nice exhibition which belongs to an American company was showing real human cadavers, all the functions of parts and organs of human body; here the exhibition was promoted by Susan Hoefken who has being in the center of all peruvian people attention, even the president Alan Garcia showed his disgust for her after she made a public manifestation that a lung, part of the exhibition that goes around many countries, was stolen here in Peru.

Now peruvian law is in the middle of investigation, they want to know the truth about the complaint given to the police by the promoter Susn Hoefken, which says that the lung was stolen by one of the attendents of the exhibition, actually she said it was a kid and that he didn't mean to steal the lung, he was just joking and after his mother realized it she took the lung back to the exhibition and left it inside a bag on the floor of the parking place of Plaza Camacho, where the exhibition was taking place.

The fact is that the complaint given by the promoter of the exhibition could be fake, using this as a marketing intention for getting attention and sell more tickets. Lately peolple in charge of this legal issue has got facillities for some e-mails sent by Susan Hoefken and the lawyer of the American company,owner of the exhibition, in these e-mails the promoter said that the stolen lung is just "marketing issue".

Peruvian laws are very clear about this kind of crime, giving between 3 to 4 years in prision if the fault is proved.

2 comentarios:

  1. i was planning to go to that exhibition and suddenly i realized they already closed, now i know why ;)

  2. Yeah many people wanted to go there, actually it was a really nice exhibition and it doesn't deserve this kind of troubles.

    thanks for your comment
